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Image by Simon Berger

Post  Henna Care

With the proper prep and aftercare, you will achieve the best results.

In order to extend the life of your brow henna, it is important to follow these instructions for the first 24 hours







Avoid getting your fresh henna wet. This includes sauna, hot tub and sweating


Image by Susan Wilkinson



Do not use oil based makeup remover on your eyebrows or apply any makeup on your brows.

Image by David Law

Sun Exposure

Avoid tanning.





White Flowers
  1. Avoid getting your eyebrows wet for at least 24 hours after the henna application. Water can cause the dye to fade faster.

  2. Avoid touching or rubbing your eyebrows, as this can also cause the henna to fade or become uneven..

  3. Avoid applying any makeup or skincare products directly on your eyebrows for the next 24 hours after the henna application.

  4. Avoid sun exposure, tanning and sweating for at least 24 hours after the henna application, as this can also cause the henna to fade.

  5. Do not use any chemical-based products such as exfoliants or toners on your eyebrows for at least 24 hours after the henna application.

  6. To maintain the color of your henna eyebrows, avoid exfoliating the area.

  7. Henna eyebrows typically last 4-6 weeks, but this can vary depending on your skin type and the aftercare you provide.

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